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Foreign Office

An insight into EuBea 2016 entries while the Jury is still voting online

The next big date will be September 9th, when the shortlist will be announced. All shortlisted events will be voted ex novo during the open voting sessions in Saint Petersburg on October 13th, 2016, where event agencies will have the chance to present them live in front of the Corporate Jury and Festival delegates.

274 entries submitted by 112 agencies from 22 European countries – the highest number of participating countries in EuBea history – will compete this year at the European Best Event Awards in 19 categories (14 event categories and 5 feature categories) and 2 macro categories. Overall, the number of entries is comparable to the one of last year’s edition, which set a record in EuBea history.

Entries are now being voted by the EuBea Jury – a panel of industry experts under the presidency of Gerd de Bruycker,  Marketing Director Northern Europe and Head of Event Marketing EMEA at Cisco. Jury Vice Presidents are Klaus Span, Executive CoE Product Management & Business Development at IBM Power Systems EMEA, Andrea Faflíková, Ceemea PR & Event Manager at The Lego Group, and Luca Favetta, a global event marketing expert.

This year the categories with the biggest number of entries are:

- Opening/Celebration/Festivity Event with 29 entries,

- Live Entertainment with 27 entries,

- Product/Service Launch Event with 22 entries.

Macro categories B2B and B2C – introduced this year for the first time – also received due attention from participating agencies with 18 and 19 events entered respectively.

The most represented countries have been Germany, with 55 entries, Italy with 41 and Russia with 37. For the first time in its 11 editions so far, Latvia, Switzerland and Ukraine are competing at EuBea.

The next big date will be September 9th, when the shortlist will be announced. All shortlisted events will be voted ex novo during the open voting sessions in Saint Petersburg on October 13th, 2016, where event agencies will have the chance to present them live in front of the Corporate Jury and Festival delegates.

Now it’s up to you to come to Saint Petersburg to learn from your peers and enjoy all the networking opportunities and inspiring atmosphere of EuBea’s 11th edition. And if your event is shortlisted, you really cannot miss the opportunity to present it live in front of the Jury. Delegate Pass can be purchased on www.eubeafestival.com/buy-delegate-pass