Bea World 2017, secondo premio a Manifestory con ‘#GenerationHeetch’ per Heetch: evento di mobilitazione in difesa dell’utilità pubblica dell'app di carpooling
L’argento del Bea World 2017, il premio internazionale ideato e organizzato da ADC Group, dedicato agli eventi e alla live communication, è andato all’agenzia francese Manifestory, grazie all’evento ‘#GenerationHeetch’, realizzato per il cliente Heetch (apri la gallery fotografica in alto per vedere le immagini dell'evento).
Il progetto ha avuto come obiettivo quello di mobilitare una grande comunità per manifestare alla politica francese il valore di pubblica utilità di un servizio di carpooling e 'trasporto sociale' come Heetch, colpito da interdizione giuridica.
Il premio Bea World si è svolto nell'ambito del Bea World - The International Festival of Events and Live Communication, la manifestazione globale, anch’essa ideata e organizzata da ADC Group, tenutasi dal 15 al 18 novembre 2017 nella città di Porto, in Portogallo.
Gli eventi sono stati valutati da una giuria composta da autorevoli esperti, manager e professionisti della live communication, provenienti da diversi Paesi del mondo. A coordinare il lavoro dei giurati quest’anno è stata la presidente di giuria, Andrea Faflikova, senior Pr & event manager Ceemea di Lego Group.
Clicca qui per leggere l'elenco completo dei giurati del Bea World 2017.
Clicca qui per visualizzare l'elenco dei partner e degli sponsor del Bea World 2017.
Nella scheda che segue potete trovare tutti i dettagli dell’evento ‘#GenerationHeetch’.
Organising Company: Manifestory.
Client company: Heetch.
Brief description: First phygital event! Heetch, victim of juridical interdiction, mobilized a large community to call out French politics about their public utility.
Dates of implementation: 04/03/2017 - 05/03/2017.
Target: French General Public.
Location: Paris.
Objective of the event: The purpose was to mobilise French public to call out the French presidential candidates and medias on the public utility of Heetch service and try to change the law.We wanted the participants to communicate loudly about the closing of the service and trying to convince politicians to change regulations. The idea was a large and original public mobilization without asking people to invade streets to guaranty public and space security in attempts context.
Creative idea and description of the event: We created this first 3.0 mobilisation in only 8 days, with creative design, technical application and setting up! The technological innovation in this event was the unique combination of different connected supports (website with customized avatars and personal slogans published / trucks with giant screens / muti-cameras facebook live / live tweets / journalists with Iphones,), all this different content being assembled in live during the event.
Effectiveness: 197.111 participants +170 000 views and +4000 likes for the live videos + 5.500 comments +20.000 tweets & TOP 4 of the trend topics of the day +500 km crossed Many politicians supported the idea of a nex debate on the shared mobility subject. Heetch adjusted its offer and is now re-opened.
Media Mix: This was an exclusive multi channel strategy The first fully phygital event connecting live digital networks and IRL experience Our communication objectives were to mobilise the largest public and opinion leaders. With this IRL and digital event experience, we ensured effectiveness of recruitment, storytelling and big picture.
Feature description: This event would not have been possible without social media. Social media are the heart of this event. We succeed to overcome the problem of demonstration in the street and we created an event never seen before: an phygital mobilization. By using social media to gather participants with a same cause, we succeed to have an important number of participants, more than we could possibly have in a physical demonstration in the street. Social media allowed this event to be unique, to raise questions and attract other media and politicians’ attention, in a way more powerful than any online petition.
Budget: 100-200.000 €.
Concept: Bertrand Biard, Manifestory.
Staging and set design: A non stop event from 12am to 12pm. People registred on a specific website ( choosing an avatar and slogans, to be part of the digitalized mobilisation. The website desplayed a map of Paris representing every participant and their slogans. At the same time, trucks with giant screens were wandering around Paris and suburbs to display participants’ slogans and tweets. Also, a Facebook live was streamed on the Heetch page, with a wandering multi-cameras system, assembled in live from a TV control-room: 5 journalists with Iphones and Osmo DJI handles, following the trucks, a 3-cameras TV set with different personalities to debate subjects around the Heetch issue (young people, suburbs, mobility, night, sharing economy). Some artistic happenings were also organised.
Mario Garaffa