Foreign Office

NEWS DALL'ESTERO (Spagna) - Alain Afflelou chooses Ibiza for its International Convention

Not only was their annual convention, the date also coincided with the anniversary of the ten years of the firm in our country. The agency Unit Elements gathered 500 company members who arrived at the ´white island´ to be offered a tailor made convention.
Executives, staff team and franchisees of the agency Unit Elements  from Spain, France, Belgium and Morocco came to Ibiza in order to further the objective of the theme of the event this year: "building our future together ". 
In the morning of 28th April, the convention was held at the Palacio de Congresos de Santa Eulalia. The idea was to organize a convention in the form of a late night television show

The production was made by Medina Media and Helena Resano was the presenter. She was commissioned to make way for the various company executives, moderated roundtables and was presenting the special guests attending the convention.

The chef Sergi Arola or Inma Shara  took part in motivational talks focused on innovation and synergy of teamwork.
Keeping the team spirit, the convention ended with an aerial photo of the group forming a mosaic with the logo of the company on the beach

If the aim is to meet up, share values and give attendees the best, why not offer them a program especially design for each of them?

After the morning in the Congress Centre, it was time for the programme of activities and this time there was no doubt that everyone would enjoy the most. 
Through the website of the event, attendees were able to choose before the convention´s day their favorite things to do: three choices to make in case of good weather, and three if the weather was bad. 
Through the web they could see the activity description, useful information and book it 


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