Foreign Office

NEWS DALL'ESTERO (Francia) - A new magazine to celebrate ANAé’s 20th anniversary

For its 20th anniversary, ANAé decided to support the launch of the magazine 'Debout', created by Violaine du Châtellier. The first issue of 'Debout' will be published in 170,000 copies on September 16th.

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This year marks the 20th anniversary of ANAé  (Association of Event Communication Agencies). 

On this occasion, ANAé wants more than ever to assert its commitment and optimism in the future of our business and, at the same time, show once again the value of trades in the event and communication institutions.

For this reason, ANAé decided to support and amplify the launch of the magazine  Debout , created by Violaine du Châtellier.

'Debout' is the first magazine of useful information, which offers free practical solutions and inspiring ideas on all matters of daily life. The first issue of 'Debout' will be published in  170,000 copies on  September 16th.

To launch the magazine, ANAé is organizing alongside its team and all its partners the first Debout dinner in Paris on September 16th. Details will be revealed in the next weeks.

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