
Bea World 2017, a Filmmaster Events & Srcom l’Iconic Event Award, grazie a ‘Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony’, e l’oro nel premio speciale Best Bea World Event Agency

Il premio dedicato agli eventi straordinari e iconici, assegnato nell’ambito della kermesse internazionale ideata e organizzata da ADC Group, è andato a Filmmaster Events & Srcom per la cerimonia di apertura dei Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016, firmata per il Comitato Organizzatore di Rio 2016. A ritirare il premio per l’agenzia di cui Alfredo Accatino è chief creative director & partner sono stati Andrea Varnier, chief executive officer, e Carla Marques, director of marketing and international development. A Filmmaster Events & Srcom sono andati anche l’oro nel premio speciale ‘Best Bea World Event Agency’ e due primi premi di categoria: ‘Opening/Celebration/Festivity Event’, sempre grazie all’evento ‘Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony’, e ‘Roadshow’ con l'evento ‘Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay’.

Grande successo per Filmmaster Events & Srcom al Bea World 2017, il premio internazionale ideato e organizzato da ADC Group, dedicato agli eventi e alla live communication, svoltosi nell'ambito del Bea World - The International Festival of Events and Live Communication, la manifestazione globale, anch’essa ideata e organizzata da ADC Group, tenutasi dal 15 al 18 novembre 2017 nella città di Porto, in Portogallo. 

A Filmmaster Events & Srcom è andato l’ambito 'Iconic Event Award', premio dedicato agli eventi straordinari e iconici; eventi che, per così dire, brillano di luce propria, in quanto non direttamente paragonabili a tutti gli altri.

In particolare, il premio è stato assegnato a Filmmaster Events & Srcom per l’evento ‘Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony’ (apri la gallery fotografica in alto, per vedere le immagini dell'evento), la cerimonia di apertura dei Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016, firmata per il Comitato Organizzatore di Rio 2016.

A ritirare il premio per l’agenzia di cui Alfredo Accatino è chief creative director & partner sono stati Andrea Varnier (foto in alto), chief executive officer, e Carla Marques, director of marketing and international development.

“È una grande emozione - ha commentato Varnier -, un riconoscimento che gratifica la fatica fatta negli ultimi cinque anni a Rio. Abbiamo lavorato in un Paese che ha attraversato un momento veramente difficile, ma ce l’abbiamo fatta. Non mi stancherò mai ripeterlo e, anche questa volta, ne abbiamo avuto la conferma: nei grandi eventi come questi è la collettività che fa la differenza, da soli si può fare tutto, ma insieme si può fare molto di più. Sono riconoscimenti importanti e sono per noi oggi una spinta in più per poter continuare a lavorare con ancora più motivazione di prima”.

Ma non finisce qui. A Filmmaster Events & Srcom sono andati anche l’oro nel premio speciale ‘Best Bea World Event Agency’ e due primi premi di categoria: in ‘Opening/Celebration/Festivity Event’, sempre grazie all’evento ‘Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony’, e in ‘Roadshow’ con l'evento ‘Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay’.




Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony

Società organizzatrice: Filmmaster Events & Srcom

Cliente: Comitê Organizador Rio 2016

Paese: Italia





Filmmaster Events & Srcom

Paese: Italia




Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony

Società organizzatrice: Filmmaster Events & Srcom

Cliente: Comitê Organizador Rio 2016

Paese: Italia




Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay

Società organizzatrice: Filmmaster Events & Srcom

Cliente: Comitê Organizador Rio 2016

Paese: Italia



Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony

Brief description: Opening Ceremony was organized in Rio de Janeiro on 5th of August to engage the population and the spectators from all around the world for the Games.

Organising Company: Filmmaster Events & SRCOM

Client company: Comitê Organizador Rio 2016

Dates of implementation: 05/08/2016 - 05/08/2016

Target: Brazilian population, athletes in the stadium, spectators around the world

Location: Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Objective of the event: The Opening Ceremony’s objective was to not only depict the rich and complex history and culture of Brazil to the world, but also engage all who were in attendance as well as the 3 billion spectators around the globe. The atmosphere in the Maracana Stadium was celebratory, as a succession of actors, dancers and musicians raced through routines intended to showcase Brazil's culture, diversity and history, even finding time for a brief lecture on environmental issues.

Creative idea and description of the event: Rio was more unique in the creative process in that we were limited in budget (comparatively to other Games). That is where projection was able to take a starring role in crafting the environment, changing the mood and tone with the click of a mouse while incorporating story, scenic elements, music, and theater to tell the overall story. The team did a phenomenal job of utilizing all the technology available to tell that touching Brazilan story, transform the environment, and engage with the locals and television audiences around the world in a spectacular way.

Effectiveness: 3 billion people watched 500 official broadcasting channels 250 digital plafforms coverage 109 million interactions on Facebook

Media Mix: We were involved not only organizing the ceremonies but also all other major events surrounding the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We built a very strong relationship with the Organizing Committee. Our mandate in the overall channel strategy was to provide all the materials necessary to the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee to be integrated into the global communication plan, touching all media channels and points of contact (digital, TV, print…)

Budget:  > 5.000.000 €

Staging and set design: After one of the roughest-ever rides from vote to games by an Olympic host, the city of beaches, carnival and sun-kissed wealth lifted the curtain on the games of the 31st Olympiad with a high-energy Grand Celebration of Brazil's can-do spirit, biodiversity and melting pot history. From a technical perspective, projection, lighting, and pyrotechnics came together to create an event worthy of the international audience. Along side the stage design and overall setup, the production relied on Panasonic PT-DZ21 PT-DZ21K2 3-Chip DLP Projectors – 109 20,000 lumen projectors to map the floor, moving set pieces, and end stage setup used during the Opening Ceremony.

Producer: Executive Team: Andrea Varnier, Abel Gomes, Marco Balich, Fabrizio Audagnotto, James Lee, Nara Gea

Concept: Andrucha Waddington, Daniela Thomas, Fernando Mereilles

Direction: Andrucha Waddington, Daniela Thomas, Fernando Mereilles


Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay

Brief description: The Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay was organized in Brazil from the 3rd May to the 5th August 2016 to engage the population for the Olympic Games.

Organising Company: Filmmaster Events and SRCOM

Client company: Comitê Organizador Rio 2016

Dates of implementation: 01/08/2016 - 05/08/2016

Target: Brazilian population mainly; people that follow the Olympic Games movement and worldwide audience in general.

Location: All Brazil

Objective of the event: The objective, besides engaging the population and building pride for the Olympic Games, was to spread the values of peace, equality and fraternity represented by the Olympic Flame. Based on a one thousand year-old tradition, the Torch Relay aims to bring hope and times of harmony to the people, distinguishing sports heroes and other representatives, sharing equal values as those deserving to be torchbearers.

Creative idea and description of the event: Due to its practical and “in field” characteristics, creativity was, without a doubt, a daily process which helped all the team to overcome technical, political, safety and operational unexpected problems for the almost 25000 km driven and 12000 miles flown. In terms of technology, the Media car, which completely customized for the coverage and filming of the torchbearers while running, was a very advanced feature in the event. The torch itself was the first of all Olympic games that had an opening mechanism before the gas being released that enounced the physical landscape of Rio de Janeiro.

Effectiveness: The relay reached 80% of the Brazilian population which account to about 160 million people.No other brand or event can rally this many people.95 days of roadshow that engaged 12,000 torchbearers in 83 cities.High levels of approval were achieved all over the country,especially in the smaller cities

Media Mix: We were involved not only organizing the Torch Relay but also other major events surrounding the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic games. As such, we had a very close relationship with the organizing committee and our mandate in the channel strategy was to provide all the materials necessary to the Rio 2016 organizing committee for them to integrate into the global communication plan that touched all media channels (digital, TV, print…)

Budget:  > 5.000.000 €

Staging and set design: orch Relay was held in all of Brazil for a period of 95 days.Every day,120 vehicles and 350 staff would travel for an average of 400km.In total, more than 320 cities were visited and 12,000 torchbearers were proud to carry the Olympic flame.Hotels’ logistic was carried in 83 cities, including staff, sponsors and security(80 men approximately). A typical day can be described as assembling the main convoy vehicles at 6:00 am and heading to the first (1 out of 4, normally) relay city.Torchbearers would run with the flame and small celebrations were held in each city, except for the last one, where a very important celebration was organized in the evening in order to light the cauldron with the Olympic flame.8 days were dedicated to special operations in natural reserves or historical places.

Producer: Simon Wadley

Concept: Pedro Gomes


Mario Garaffa