
Cannes Lions 2023. Creative Business Transformation, Creative Commerce, Creative Effectiveness, Creative Strategy, Film Shortlists, The Mobile Lions. 8+1 shortlist per l'Italia

E' ancora Publicis con Heineken a farsi notare, con le campagne "Bar Experience”, “Just another Night out”, “The Ghosted Bar”(2 shortlist), Heinekicks , The Night is Young, oltre a Leo Burnett con “TableToGo” (2 shortlist) per McDonald’s. Brilla inoltre in Film Coordown “Ridiculous excuses not to be inclusive” di SMALL New York.

Proseguono i lavori al Festival di Cannes che oggi si apre con 8 nuove shortlist per l'Italia, 8+ 1.

La Kermesse ha infatti reso noti i progetti finalisti in queste categorieCreative Business Transformation, Creative Commerce, Creative Effectiveness, Creative Strategy, Film, The Mobile Lions.

Ecco le shortlist italiane:


Creative Business Transformation

1 per Heineken “Bar Experience” di Publicis Italy | LePub


Creative Commerce 

2 per McDonald’s “TableToGo” di Leo Burnett, Milan / Leo Burnett, Chicago



1 per Heineken “Just another Night out”, di Publicis Italy | LePub / Le Pub, Sao Paolo

2 per Heineken “The Ghosted Bar” di Publicis Italy | LePub

1 per Coordown “Ridiculous excuses not to be inclusive”di SMALL New York


Creative Strategy

1 per Heinekicks di Publicis Italy/Le Pub Milan, BBH Singapore Italy 

1 per Heineken The Night is Young di Publicis Italy/Le Pub 


Creative Effectiveness e Mobile

Nessun progetto italiano in shortlist